LCN 2011
The IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) is the premier conference on the leading edge of theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking. LCN has the longest history among all computer networking conferences today and has been the venue where many major developments in computer networks are reported. Over 200 researchers, from both academia and industry, attend LCN from all over the world over a four-day period. In addition, LCN is the host to several workshops on various topics such as wireless networks, sensor networks, vehicular networks, network management, smart-grid, or internet services.
LCN offers a number of different corporate support packages. These packages offer corporations an opportunity to promote their visibility, services and products to a large community.
Silver support level (€1,000) offers the following benefits:
- Company logo on the LCN's web home page
- Company name on the Call-for-Papers (as long as the CfP is not already distributed). The call-for-papers is e-mailed directly to about 1000 people and is disseminated in over 10 mailing lists, which reach many thousands of people worldwide. A PDF version of the call-for-papers is available on the LCN's Web site.
- Company name on the Advance Program. The Advance Program is disseminated in the same way as the call-for-papers and is expected to reach many thousands of people worldwide.
- Company logo on the title page of the conference proceedings. Proceedings are provided to all conference attendees and is also available for purchase from the IEEE.
- Explicit "thank you" in the welcome address at the conference and in the General Chair's Message printed in the front of the proceedings.
For companies interested in a higher level of support in exchange for more visibility, we offer the opportunity to sponsor specific events and activities, e.g. workshops, poster session, coffee breaks, lunch, reception, or conference dinner. Sponsors at the Gold and Platinum levels will receive the same visibility as the Silver sponsors plus they will be thanked in connection with the specific event or resources. The logos for Platinum and Gold sponsors will be placed on a first and second priority to reflect their relative contributions.
Gold support level (€2,000) offers the following benefits:
- All benefits of Silver level, plus
- Named sponsorship of one of the breaks
- Opportunities to display brochures or leaflets on a table in the conference lobby. The sponsor is responsible for sending or bringing the brochures with them to the conference. The table is shared and each sponsor can use up to four 8½"x11" (22cm x 28cm) spaces.
- One complementary registration for the conference.
Platinum support level (€5,000) offers the following benefits:
- All benefits of Silver level, plus
- Named sponsorship of one of the lunches
- Opportunities to display brochures or leaflets on a table in the conference lobby. The sponsor is responsible for sending or bringing the brochures with them to the conference. The table is shared and each sponsor can use up to four 8½"x11" (22cm x 28cm) spaces.
- Two complementary registrations for the conference.
We are also happy to negotiate the benefits to meet the needs of your company.
For further information, please contact Jens Tölle.