LCN 2011
All papers (LCN Full and Short Papers, and Workshop Papers) will be published in the proceedings as well as in IEEE Xplore®. See the Instructions for Submitting Camera-Ready Papers page for more information.
All papers must be presented during the conference as follows. The IEEE reserves the right to remove papers from IEEE Xplore® if they were not presented.
Full Papers:
Full papers are presented in three parallel sessions. Each paper will be allotted 25 minutes (tentatively, including setting up the presentation and taking questions).
The presentation layout is completely up to the speaker. The slides are not collected in advance.
Presenters of full papers should also:
- Indicate in the EDAS page of their LCN paper that they are the presenter of the paper.
- Provide a short biography (of no more than five lines) in their personal EDAS profile for the session chair to do the introduction. Authors can enter or update their EDAS profile by clicking on the "My Profile" tab locating on the top of the EDAS page.
Short Papers:
Short papers will be presented in a dedicated, plenary poster session. Each year, the poster session offers the authors and the audience the opportunity to engage in direct and vivid discussions. The session is typically followed by the main conference social event.
Poster presenters will be provided with a mounting board for their poster presentation. The speaker has to bring a poster of up to A0 size (841 mm × 1189 mm, 33.11" × 46.81"), and to present the poster during the poster session.
The poster layout is completely up to the speaker. The poster is not uploaded in advance.
Workshop Papers:
Presentation format will be decided by the chairs of the individual workshops.