Technical Program of LCN 2011 and Adjunct Workshops [version: 2011-11-01]
Page numbers as in CD-ROM proceedings
Monday, October 3
17:00 - 19:00
Welcome Reception
Chair: Matthias Frank (University of Bonn, Germany)
Tuesday, October 4
08:30 - 09:00
SenseApp: Opening
Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications
Room: RheinChairs: Matthias Hollick (Technische Universität Darmstadt & Secure Mobile Networking Lab, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany), Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales, Australia)
08:55 - 09:00
WNM: Opening
6th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements
Room: BerlinChair: Ralf Wolter (Cisco Systems, Germany)
09:00 - 10:00
SenseApp: Keynote: Gian Pietro Picco, University of Trento
Wireless Sensor Network Deployments: From Research to the Real-World–and Back
Room: RheinChairs: Matthias Hollick (Technische Universität Darmstadt & Secure Mobile Networking Lab, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany), Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales, Australia)
09:00 - 10:10
WNM: Technical Papers - I
Room: Berlin
Chair: Ralf Wolter (Cisco Systems, Germany)
- 09:00 A Study on Path Behavior Characteristics of IPv6 Based Reflector Attacks
- pp. 939-945
- 09:23 Improving the Network Performance and Management of Operability Regions
- pp. 946-950
- 09:46 Z-Monitor: Monitoring and Analyzing IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 951-959
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 12:30
SenseApp: Experimentation, Analysis and Hardware
Room: Rhein
Chair: Athanassios Boulis (National ICT Australia, Australia)
- 10:30 Comparative Performance Analysis of the PermaDozer Protocol in Diverse Deployments
- pp. 969-977
- 10:55 Wireless Sensor Network Platforms - Datasheets versus Measurements
- pp. 978-985
- 11:20 Design Methods for Wireless Sensor Network Building Energy Monitoring Systems
- pp. 986-993
- 11:45 Measuring the State-of-Charge - Analysis and Impact on Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 994-997
- 12:00 Implementation of a Data Collection Mechanism in Electronic Triage System Using Wireless Sensor Devices
- pp. 998-1001
- 12:15 Optical Wireless Sensor Network Design for a Conducting Chamber
- pp. 1002-1005
10:30 - 11:00
WNM: Technical Papers - II
Room: Berlin
Chair: Ralf Wolter (Cisco Systems, Germany)
- 10:30 Planet YouTube: Global, Measurement-based Performance Analysis of Viewer's Experience Watching User Generated Videos
- pp. 960-968
11:00 - 11:45
WNM: Keynote 1: Benoit Claise, Cisco Systems
Network Measurements Random Thoughts
Room: BerlinChair: Ralf Wolter (Cisco Systems, Germany)
11:45 - 12:30
WNM: Keynote 2: Antonio Pescapè, University of Napoli Federico II
Networking Monitoring and Measurements: Challenges and Future Directions
Room: BerlinChair: Ralf Wolter (Cisco Systems, Germany)
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00
SenseApp: Algorithms and Protocols
Room: Rhein
Chair: Andreas Reinhardt (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
- 13:30 Resilient Data Aggregation for Unattended WSNs
- pp. 1006-1014
- 13:55 Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Sampling Strategy for a Wireless Air Pollution Sensor Network
- pp. 1015-1022
- 14:20 Optimized Data-Available Storage for Energy-Limited Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 1023-1031
- 14:45 A-Stack: A Real-Time Protocol Stack for IEEE 802.15.4 Radios
- pp. 1032-1035
13:45 - 13:50
WISe: Opening
Fourth IEEE LCN Workshop on Wireless and Internet Services
Room: BerlinChair: Martin Tunnicliffe (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
13:45 - 13:55
WASA-NGI-IV: Opening
Fourth International Workshop on Architectures, Services and Applications for the Next Generation Internet
Room: Paris-RomChair: Oliver P. Waldhorst (Ilmenau University of Technology & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
13:50 - 14:40
WISe: Full Papers 1
Room: Berlin
Chair: Martin Tunnicliffe (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
- 13:50 An Empirical Study on the Interactions Between ALTO-assisted P2P Overlays and ISP Networks
- pp. 723-730
- 14:15 Wireless Technology Agnostic Real-time Localization in Urban Areas
- pp. 731-737
13:55 - 14:30
WASA-NGI-IV: Keynote 1: Oliver Waldhorst, Ilmenau University of Technology
The Spontaneous Virtual Network Architecture as a Way to the Future Internet
Room: Paris-RomChair: Boris Koldehofe (Universitat Stuttgart, Germany)
14:30 - 14:55
WASA-NGI-IV: Peer-to-Peer and Overlay Services
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Boris Koldehofe (Universitat Stuttgart, Germany)
- 14:30 DuDE: A Distributed Computing System using a Decentralized P2P Environment
- pp. 1060-1067
14:40 - 15:00
WISe: Discussion and Short Paper 1
Room: Berlin
Chair: Martin Tunnicliffe (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
- Providing Mobile Internet Service Using MOnetary Wireless Networking (MOWNET)
- pp. 738-741
14:55 - 15:00
WASA-NGI-IV: Demo Session Setup
Room: Paris-Rom
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:50
SenseApp: Applications
Room: Rhein
Chair: Gian Pietro Picco (University of Trento, Italy)
- 15:30 iHorse - A WSN-based Equine Monitoring System
- pp. 1036-1043
- 15:55 SmartMeter.KOM: A Low-cost Wireless Sensor for Distributed Power Metering
- pp. 1044-1051
- 16:20 A Wireless Sensor Network Test-bed for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
- pp. 1052-1055
- 16:35 Using Sensor Technology to Protect an Endangered Species: A Case Study
- pp. 1056-1059
15:30 - 16:20
WISe: Full Papers 2
Room: Berlin
Chair: Martin Tunnicliffe (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
- 15:30 Learning Mechanisms for Achieving Context Awareness and Intelligence in Cognitive Radio Networks
- pp. 742-749
- 15:55 Implementation and performance analysis of advanced IT services based on open source JAIN SLEE
- pp. 750-757
15:30 - 16:15
WASA-NGI-IV: Demo Session
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Oliver P. Waldhorst (Ilmenau University of Technology & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
16:15 - 16:50
WASA-NGI-IV: Keynote 2: Thomas Plagemann, University of Oslo
Networked sensors, data streams, and complex event processing in the Future Internet - Opportunities and Challenges
Room: Paris-RomChair: Roland Bless (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
16:20 - 16:40
WISe: Discussion and Short Paper 2
Room: Berlin
Chair: Martin Tunnicliffe (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
- Enhancing the Security of Mobile Health Monitoring Systems through Trust Negotiations
- pp. 758-761
16:40 - 17:30
WISe: Full Papers 3
Room: Berlin
Chair: Bogdan Ghita (University of Plymouth, United Kingdom)
- 16:40 Extracting the Independence Signature from Packet Pair Dispersion Data in a Closed-Loop System for End-to-End Bandwidth Probing
- pp. 762-767
- 17:05 Collecting Router Information for Error Diagnosis and Troubleshooting in Home Networks
- pp. 768-773
16:50 - 17:05
SenseApp: Wrap-up and Conclusion
Room: Rhein
Chairs: Matthias Hollick (Technische Universität Darmstadt & Secure Mobile Networking Lab, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany), Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales, Australia)
16:50 - 17:40
WASA-NGI-IV: New Paradigms & Energy Awareness
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Roland Bless (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
- 16:50 Subversion Over OpenNetInf and CCNx
- pp. 1068-1075
- 17:15 Energy-Aware Service Execution
- pp. 1076-1083
Wednesday, October 5
08:30 - 09:00
Opening and Welcome
Room: Rhein
Chairs: Chun Tung Chou (University of New South Wales, Australia), Tom Pfeifer (Waterford Institute of Technology, TSSG, Ireland), Anura Jayasumana (Colorado State University, USA)
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote 1: Peter Martini, University of Bonn & Fraunhofer FKIE
Botnets - Detection, Classification and Countermeasures
Room: RheinChair: Tom Pfeifer (Waterford Institute of Technology, TSSG, Ireland)
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 12:00
Best Paper Candidates
Room: Rhein
Chair: Chun Tung Chou (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- 10:30 Enabling Flexible Packet Filtering Through the K-map Priority Elimination Technique
- pp. 1-8
- 11:00 PFS: Probabilistic Filter Scheduling Against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
- pp. 9-17
- 11:30 Using Roadmap Profiling to Enhance the Warning Message Dissemination in Vehicular Environments
- pp. 18-25
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:20 - 15:00
Quality of Service
Room: Rhein
Chair: Burkhard Stiller (University of Zürich & ETH Zürich, TIK, Switzerland)
- 13:20 User- and Application-Centric Multihomed Flow Management
- pp. 26-34
- 13:45 User-Centric Quality of Service Provisioning
- pp. 35-41
- 14:10 How to Provision and Manage Off-the-Shelf SIP Phones in Domestic and SOHO Environments
- pp. 42-49
- 14:35 Rate Equalization: a New Approach to Fairness in Deterministic Quality of Service
- pp. 50-57
Location Dependence, Services and Analysis
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: J. William Atwood (Concordia University, Canada)
- 13:20 MapCorrect: Automatic Correction and Validation of Road Maps Using Public Sensing
- pp. 58-66
- 13:45 Hiding on the Road - Anonymous Usage of Location Based Services
- pp. 67-75
- 14:10 On the Empirical Performance of Self-calibrating WiFi Location Systems
- pp. 76-84
- 14:35 A Traffic Density Model for Radio Overlapping in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- pp. 85-92
IEEE802.X - Performance and Enhancements
Room: Berlin
Chair: Matthias Wählisch (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
- 13:20 High Definition Video in IEEE 802.15.3C mm-Wave Wireless Personal Area Networks
- pp. 93-100
- 13:45 Performance Evaluation of the Inter-Domain Communication in a Switched Ethernet Based In-Car Network
- pp. 101-108
- 14:10 Service Differentiation Without Prioritization in IEEE 802.11 WLANs
- pp. 109-116
- 14:35 Analysis of Packet Loss for Batch Traffic Arrivals in IEEE 802.15.4-Based Networks
- pp. 117-122
Setup for Demonstrations
Room: Rhein-Three
15:00 - 16:45
Demonstrations with Coffee
Room: Rhein-Three
Chair: Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- The Deployment Support System
- A Small Data Center Network of ARP-Path Bridges Made of Openflow Switches
- Demonstration of MARWIS - a Management Architecture for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
- Future Internet Autonomic Management Using NetServ
- Hard Real-Time Wireless Medium Access in Action: Stop the Guillotine Within a Millisecond!
- Transparent Conferencing Without Central Control - Demonstration of the DisCo Approach in P2PSIP
- Demonstration of a Showcase on Usage and Monitoring of the HAMcast-Architecture for Universal Multicast
- Demonstration of Z-Monitor: A Monitoring Software for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks
- Demonstration of the Sensor Data Transmission and Management Protocol (STMP)
- WSNLab - a Security Testbed and Security Architecture for WSNs
- An Experimental Architecture of IP-based Network Control of Laser Show Projection Systems
- Mobile P2P Trusted On-Demand Video Streaming
- Deployment of CoAP in Transport Logistics
- Automatic Analysis and Classification of Multiple Origin Autonomous System Conflicts
- Efficient Real-Time Monitoring of Multimodal Transports with Wireless Sensor Networks
Poster Presentations with Tea
Room: Rhein
Chair: Anura Jayasumana (Colorado State University, USA)
- A Power Control Mechanism for Non-Cooperative Packet Forwarding in Ad Hoc Networks
- pp. 123-126
- A Power-Aware Framework for Distributed Data Fusion Application in Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 127-130
- Hybrid Web Server: Traffic Analysis and Prototype
- pp. 131-134
- Improving the Stability of eXplicit Control Protocol Under Heterogeneous Delays
- pp. 135-138
- Entropy Based SYN Flooding Detection
- pp. 139-142
- About Prefix Hijacking in the Internet
- pp. 143-146
- NAT Hole Punching Revisited
- pp. 147-150
- dVirt: a Virtualized Infrastructure for Experimenting BGP Routing
- pp. 151-154
- Kernel-Based Markov Random Fields Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 155-158
- SACM: Stateful Access Control Model
- pp. 159-162
- Frame Rate Control for Video Streaming
- pp. 163-166
- A Simple Priority Control Mechanism for Performance Improvement of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
- pp. 167-170
- Analysis of Quantization Effects on Performance of Hierarchical Cooperation Schemes in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
- pp. 171-174
- Extending Node Protection Concept of P-Cycles for an Efficient Resource Utilization in Multicast Traffic
- pp. 175-178
- Performance Modelling of Broadcast Polling Protocol in Unsaturated IEEE 802.16 Networks
- pp. 179-182
- Intrusion Detection System Using Optimum-Path Forest
- pp. 183-186
- Probability of Handoff for Users Moving with the Random Waypoint Mobility Model
- pp. 187-190
- Exploring Security Improvement of Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas
- pp. 191-194
- G-NetMon: a GPU-accelerated Network Performance Monitoring System for Large Scale Scientific Collaborations
- pp. 195-198
- Link Scheduling in Multi-Transmit-Receive Wireless Networks
- pp. 199-202
- Intelligent Distributed Multimedia Collection: Content Aggregation and Integration
- pp. 203-206
- Scoresheet-based Event Relevance Determination for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 207-210
- RegionDCF: a Self-Adapting CSMA/Round-Robin Media Access Protocol for WLAN
- pp. 211-214
- Evaluation and Comparison of MBAC Solutions
- pp. 215-218
- Enabling Cognition in System of Systems: The Distributed Self-Growing Architecture
- pp. 219-222
- Optimal Transmission Range for Multi-hop Communication in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks
- pp. 227-230
- Formal Validation of the Security Properties of AMT's Three-way Handshake
- pp. 231-234
- A Conditional Retransmission Enabled Transport Protocol for Real-Time Networked Control Systems
- pp. 235-238
- Tracking Targets in Quantized Areas with Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 239-242
- Enabling Self-Adaptive QoE/QoS Control
- pp. 243-246
- Collaborative Data Collection in Global Sensing Systems
- pp. 247-250
- Effective Utilization of Place as a Resource in Pocket Switched Networks
- pp. 251-254
- Boundary Node Selection Algorithms in WSNs
- pp. 255-258
- Server Selection and Admission Control for IP-based Video on Demand Using Available Bandwidth Estimation
- pp. 259-262
- Performance Comparison of BER-based Routing Protocols Under Realistic Conditions
- pp. 263-266
- A Coordination Layer to Handle Real-Time Communication in Wi-Fi Networks with Uncontrolled Traffic Sources
- pp. 267-270
- An Experimental Study of Client-Side Spotify Peering Behaviour
- pp. 271-274
- SCARKER: a Sensor Capture Resistance and Key Refreshing Scheme for Mobile WSNs
- pp. 275-278
- Providing Quality of Service Over Time Delay Networks by Efficient Queue Management
- pp. 279-282
- A Simulation Study of Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Protocol for P2P Applications
- pp. 283-286
- Challenges and Limits of Flooding and Gossip Routing Based Route Discovery Schemes
- pp. 287-290
- Topology Stability-Aware Multicast Protocol for MANETs
- pp. 291-294
- Testing Embedded Software by Metamorphic Testing: a Wireless Metering System Case Study
- pp. 295-298
- Quantitative Analysis for Authentication of Low-cost RFID Tags
- pp. 299-302
- Interframe Spacing Adaptation Method for IEEE 802.11 WLANs Coexisting with IEEE 802.16 Networks
- pp. 303-306
- Coverage Extension Based on Incentive Scheduler for Mobile Relaying Nodes in Wireless Networks
- pp. 307-310
16:45 - 16:45
LCN Wednesday - End of Technical Program
17:15 - 17:30
Social Event - Busses leave for transfer
18:00 - 22:00
Social Event
Chair: Matthias Frank (University of Bonn, Germany)
Thursday, October 6
08:55 - 09:00
Room: Rhein
Chair: Chun Tung Chou (University of New South Wales, Australia)
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote 2: Guoliang (Larry) Xue, Arizona State University
Resource Allocation in Cooperative Networks: The Role of Games
Room: RheinChair: Chun Tung Chou (University of New South Wales, Australia)
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 12:35
Peer2Peer Networks
Room: Rhein
Chair: Oliver P. Waldhorst (Ilmenau University of Technology & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
- 10:30 A Performance Study of Network Operator-friendly P2P Traffic Control Technique
- pp. 311-318
- 10:55 LiveShift: Mesh-Pull Live and Time-Shifted P2P Video Streaming
- pp. 319-327
- 11:20 Environmental Context Aware Trust in Mobile P2P Networks
- pp. 328-336
- 11:45 Improving BitTorrent Download Times Using Community Partners
- pp. 337-344
- 12:10 A Performance Study of Peer-assisted File Distribution with Heterogeneous Swarms
- pp. 345-353
WSN - Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Damla Turgut (University of Central Florida, USA)
- 10:30 Network Lifetime Maximization in Sensor Networks with Multiple Mobile Sinks
- pp. 354-361
- 10:55 Reliable Sensor-to-Sink Data Transfer with Duty Cycles for Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 362-369
- 11:20 Probabilistic Data Collection Protocols for Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks
- pp. 370-377
- 11:45 Energy-Efficient Retransmission Strategies Under Variable TDMA Scheduling in Body Area Networks
- pp. 378-385
- 12:10 SDF - Solar-Aware Distributed Flow in Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 386-394
Traffic and Measurements
Room: Berlin
Chair: Bogdan Ghita (University of Plymouth, United Kingdom)
- 10:30 Global Vs. Per-Domain Monitoring of Multi-Domain Networks
- pp. 395-402
- 10:55 Practical Machine Learning Based Multimedia Traffic Classification for Distributed QoS Management
- pp. 403-410
- 11:20 Extracting Baseline Patterns in Internet Traffic Using Robust Principal Components
- pp. 411-419
- 11:45 S3:Smart Selection of Sampling Function for Passive Network Measurement
- pp. 420-427
12:35 - 13:45
Lunch Break
13:45 - 15:25
Security, Privacy and Anonymity
Room: Rhein
Chair: Matthias Hollick (Technische Universität Darmstadt & Secure Mobile Networking Lab, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany)
- 13:45 Security and Privacy for WLAN Roaming with Per-Connection Tariff Negotiation
- pp. 428-435
- 14:10 Tor is Unfair - and What to Do About It
- pp. 436-444
- 14:35 Flooding Attacks Detection in Traffic of Backbone Networks
- pp. 445-453
- 15:00 Comparison of Authenticated-Encryption Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 454-461
WSN - Applications and Services
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Fernando Boronat (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia & Instituto de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras, Spain)
- 13:45 Toward a High-Fidelity Wireless Sensor Network for Rehabilitation Supervision
- pp. 462-469
- 14:10 Efficient Temporal Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 470-478
- 14:35 STMP - Sensor Data Transmission and Management Protocol
- pp. 479-487
- 15:00 Deployment and Mobility for Animal Social Life Monitoring Based on Preferential Attachment
- pp. 488-495
Resource Allocation and Scheduling
Room: Berlin
Chair: Hossam S. Hassanein (Queen's University, Canada)
- 13:45 G-Local Resource Management: Achieving Global Optimization Via Local Inference Without Message Passing
- pp. 496-504
- 14:10 Exploiting the Full Potential of Multi-AP Diversity in Centralized WLANs Through Back-pressure Scheduling
- pp. 505-513
- 14:35 Design and Analysis of Effective Price for Congestion Control
- pp. 514-522
- 15:00 Implementation of WFQ in a Distributed Open Software Router
- pp. 523-531
15:25 - 15:55
Tea break
15:55 - 17:35
Mobile and Wireless Networks
Room: Rhein
Chair: Yao Liang (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USA)
- 15:55 dMME: Virtualizing LTE Mobility Management
- pp. 532-540
- 16:20 Mercury-like Routing for High Mobility Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- pp. 541-549
- 16:45 Channel Sensing Order for Cognitive Radio Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
- pp. 550-557
- 17:10 Performance of Content Replication in MobiTribe: a Distributed Architecture for Mobile UGC Sharing
- pp. 558-566
WSN - Self-Organization and Coverage
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Carlos H. C. Ribeiro (Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil)
- 15:55 APAWSAN: Actor Positioning for Aerial Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks
- pp. 567-574
- 16:20 Anchor Selection and Topology Preserving Maps in WSNs - a Directional Virtual Coordinate Based Approach
- pp. 575-583
- 16:45 On Area Coverage Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 584-592
- 17:10 AWARE: Activity AWARE Network Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 593-600
Performance Evaluation
Room: Berlin
Chair: Martin Tunnicliffe (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
- 15:55 Optimal Throughput for 802.11 DCF with Multiple Packet Reception
- pp. 601-607
- 16:20 An Evaluation of Live Adaptive HTTP Segment Streaming Request Strategies
- pp. 608-616
- 16:45 Smooth Control of Adaptive Media Playout to Acquire IDMS in Cluster-based Applications
- pp. 617-625
- 17:10 A Nash Stackelberg Approach for Network Pricing, Revenue Maximization and Vertical Handover Decision Making
- pp. 626-633
Friday, October 7
08:30 - 09:00
WLN: Opening
11th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks
Room: RheinChair: Lynda Mokdad (Université de Paris 12 & Laboratoire LACL, France)
P2MNET: Opening
7th IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks
Room: BerlinChair: Jalel Ben-othman (University of Versailles, France)
ON-MOVE: Opening
5th IEEE LCN Workshop On User MObility and VEhicular Networks
Room: Paris-RomChair: Robert Brännström (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)
09:00 - 10:00
WLN Keynote: Madjid Merabti, Liverpool John Moores University
Wireless Communication Security in Critical Infrastructures
Room: RheinChair: Lynda Mokdad (Université de Paris 12 & Laboratoire LACL, France)
09:00 - 10:15
P2MNET: Wireless Networks
Room: Berlin
Chair: Patrik Arlos (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
- 09:00 Performance Comparison of NBI Suppression Methods for MIMO OSTBC-OFDM Systems
- pp. 634-637
- 09:25 Channel Characteristic Aware Spectrum Aggregation Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks
- pp. 638-643
- 09:50 Wi-Design: A Modelling and Optimization Tool for Wireless Embedded Systems in Buildings
- pp. 644-652
09:00 - 10:00
ON-MOVE: Keynote: Marc Emmelmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Soumaya Cherkaoui (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 12:00
WLN: WLAN and Ad Hoc Networks
Room: Rhein
Chair: Lynda Mokdad (Université de Paris 12 & Laboratoire LACL, France)
- 10:30 The Impact of the Reliability on the Fairness Between the Unicast and the Multicast in Highly Loaded WLANs
- pp. 839-844
- 10:48 Raptor-based Reliable Unicast Content Delivery in Wireless Network Environments
- pp. 845-853
- 11:06 A Light Weight Security Scheme for HWMP Protocol Using Elliptic Curve Technique
- pp. 854-858
- 11:24 SINR Analysis of Time and Frequency Offsets in OFDM Systems
- pp. 859-863
- 11:42 (Not presented)
10:30 - 11:30
ON-MOVE: Mobility
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Karl Andersson (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)
- 10:30 Session mobility in multimedia services enabled by the cloud and peer-to-peer paradigms
- pp. 774-780
- 11:00 Flock Detection Based Duty Cycle Scheduling in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 781-788
10:45 - 12:00
P2MNET: Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks
Room: Berlin
Chair: Damla Turgut (University of Central Florida, USA)
- 10:45 Design and Deployment Tool for In-Building Wireless Sensor Networks: a Performance Discussion
- pp. 653-660
- 11:10 Human Society Inspired Routing For Wireless Sensor Network
- pp. 661-669
- 11:35 A Tree-based Approach to Design Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Based on Small World Concepts
- pp. 670-676
11:30 - 12:30
ON-MOVE: Posters and Demos
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Stefan Aust (NEC Communication Systems, Ltd., Japan)
- 11:30 Mobile VoIP User Experience in LTE
- pp. 789-792
- 11:50 Proposal of Ride-Sharing System Using Harmonic Aggregation of User Demands
- pp. 793-796
- 12:10 Sensor Monitoring of Bridge Movement: A System Architecture
- pp. 797-800
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00
WLN: Wireless Sensor Networks
Room: Rhein
Chair: Yesica Imelda Saavedra Benitez (University of Versailles, France)
- 13:30 Analyses of MAC Performance for Multi-Carrier Based Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 872-878
- 13:52 Wireless Sensor Networks for Social Network Data Collection
- pp. 879-886
- 14:15 Studying the Feasibility of IEEE 802.15.4-Based WSNs for Gas and Fire Tracking Applications Through Simulation
- pp. 887-893
- 14:37 An Energy-Aware Spatial Correlation Mechanism to Perform Efficient Data Collection in WSNs
- pp. 894-901
13:45 - 15:00
P2MNET: Ubiquitous Networks and Mobile Networks
Room: Berlin
Chair: Vladimir Poulkov (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
- 13:45 Scalability Issues in Localizing Things
- pp. 677-684
- 14:10 A Novel Teletraffic-based Power Saving Scheme for Cellular Networks with Microcells
- pp. 685-691
- 14:35 Evaluation of Protocol Treatment in 3G Networks
- pp. 692-700
ON-MOVE: Vehicular Networks I
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Jihene Rezgui (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
- 13:45 Data Gathering in Vehicular Networks: The VESPA Experience
- pp. 801-808
- 14:10 Position Verification for Vehicular Networks via Analyzing Two-hop Neighbors Information
- pp. 809-816
- 14:35 Providing Accident Detection in Vehicular Networks Through OBD-II Devices and Android-based Smartphones
- pp. 817-823
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00
WLN: Wireless Mesh and Vehicular Networks
Room: Rhein
Chair: Badii Jouaber (Institut TELECOM - Telecom SudParis & cnrs UMR-SAMOVAR, France)
- 15:30 A Study of Topology Formation in 802.11S Multiradio Wireless Mesh Networks
- pp. 902-908
- 15:48 Routing Performance of Wireless Mesh Networks: A Practical Evaluation of BATMAN Advanced
- pp. 909-916
- 16:06 Improving the Link Lifetime in VANETs
- pp. 917-924
- 16:24 Adaptive Congestion Control of DSRC Vehicle Networks for Collaborative Road Safety Applications
- pp. 925-929
- 16:42 Shibboleth Based Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Auditing in Wireless Mesh Networks
- pp. 930-938
15:30 - 16:45
P2MNET: Ubiquitous and Multimedia Networks
Room: Berlin
Chair: Alan Mc Gibney (Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland)
- 15:30 Effective Web Service Discovery in Mobile Environments
- pp. 701-709
- 15:55 Evaluation of Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks
- pp. 710-714
- 16:20 Fault Management for VoIP Applications Over Wireless and Wired NGN Networks: An Operational Prospective
- pp. 715-722
15:30 - 16:30
ON-MOVE: Vehicular Networks II
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Robert Brännström (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)
- 15:30 Evaluating the Robustness of the DGT Approach for Smartphone-based Vehicular Networks
- pp. 824-830
- 16:00 Detecting Faulty and Malicious Vehicles Using Rule-based Communications Data Mining
- pp. 831-838
16:30 - 17:00
ON-MOVE: Discussion and Closing Remarks
Room: Paris-Rom
Chair: Soumaya Cherkaoui (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)