The 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 8-10, 2024, in Caen, Normandy, France

Presenter and Session Chair Instructions for LCN 2024

To be published in the IEEE LCN 2023 Conference Proceedings, and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, at least one author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present their work during the conference. Papers need to be presented by one of the authors.

At LCN 2024, presenters can choose between in-person and remote presentation modes. If you opt for remote presentation, please refer to the respective section below. If you are attending LCN in person, you can disregard this section.

Please reach out to the TPC Chairs if you have any questions or concerns.

Regular Paper Presenters

Authors must prepare an oral presentation (in PPT/PPTX or Adobe PDF format), clearly conveying their key ideas, findings, and contributions. The presentations should adhere to the following time constraints:

  • Regular/Invited papers: 18 minutes (plus 4 minutes for Q&A)

The presenter of each paper must be indicated on EDAS, and their bio should be uploaded. Presentation slides must also be uploaded to EDAS by October 1, 2024. The slides will be pre-loaded on a dedicated presenter laptop before the session to ensure a smooth transition between presentations.

Presenters should be aware of the time and location of their session and arrive at the room 15 minutes before the session starts to introduce themselves to the session chair. During the presentation, presenters must adhere to their time limits and follow the session chair's instructions.

Short Paper Presenters

Short papers will be presented in dedicated poster sessions. Please check your scheduled time and plan accordingly. The poster session allows authors and attendees to engage in direct and lively discussions. Presenters should stay in front of their posters during their session to welcome attendees and answer questions.

Poster presenters will be provided with a mounting board for their poster presentation. Speakers must bring a poster up to A0 size (841 × 1189 millimeters or 33.11 × 46.81 inches) and present it during the poster session. The poster layout is entirely up to the speaker, and it is not required to be uploaded in advance. Please note that the organizing committee does not have the capability to print your poster.

Demo Paper Presenters

Demo papers will be presented in a dedicated demo session, offering authors and attendees the opportunity to engage in direct and lively discussions. Presenters should remain in front of their demos throughout the session to welcome attendees and answer questions. Please refer to the conference program and plan accordingly. Presenters should complete the demo setup with sufficient time in advance of the session.

Demo presenters will be provided with a poster board to present the work as a poster or display any additional content relevant to the demo. The poster board can hold a poster up to A0 size (841 × 1189 millimeters or 33.11 × 46.81 inches). The layout of the additional material is entirely at the presenter's discretion and does not need to be uploaded in advance. Please note that the organizing committee is unable to print your poster.

A Best Demo Award will be presented to the demo that receives the most votes from the audience.

Demo authors are encouraged to coordinate with the Demo Chair to discuss any additional needs they may have.

Remote Presentations

Remote presentation option is only available for authors registered with "IEEE Member/Non-Member Virtual Author" registration rate. Remote presenters must prepare video presentations (in MP4 format with a resolution of at least 720p) in advance, adhering to the following time constraints:

  • Regular papers: 10-minute video
  • Short papers: 8-minute video

The videos will be made available to conference attendees. In addition, there will be a live teaser session for remote presenters with back-to-back teaser presentations. During this session, each remote presenter will provide a brief teaser of their work, limited to 2 minutes. The Zoom link for the live teaser session will be provided to remote presenters prior to the conference. All presenters should join the Zoom session 15 minutes before the session starts.

Presenters should prepare a single slide (in PDF format). Both the video and the teaser slide must be uploaded to EDAS by October 1, 2024.

Session Chairs (in person)

The session chair, working with the conference chairs and technical staff in the session room, is in charge of moderating the session. Their main responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate with the conference team to ensure all of the presentation slides are preloaded on a single computer for smooth transitions.
  • Being present in the session room 15 minutes before the session starts.
  • Establish the session plan with the authors and attendees, particularly in terms of the time limits for presentations as well as cues (e.g., using yellow/red cards) to indicate to presenters that they are nearing the end of their presentation time. The presenter of each regular paper has 18 minutes, followed by 4 minutes of Q&A.
  • Briefly introduce the presenter and paper during the designated time slot (the author bios should be available in EDAS) and ensure that the presentation starts on time. The introduction should be completed in less than one minute.
  • Manage a brief Q&A with a few questions after each presentation.
  • Ask attendees with questions to come forward to the microphone (or repeat the attendee’s question using the microphone) so that the questions are heard by all in-person and remote attendees.