Technical Program
Sunday, October 8
Sunday, October 8, 17:00 - 19:00
Welcome Reception and Early Registration
Monday, October 9
Monday, October 9, 08:15 - 08:45
Monday, October 9, 09:00 - 10:30
SenseApp: Paper session 1
- REAPer - Adaptive Micro-Source Energy-Harvester for Wireless Sensor Nodes
- Hierarchical Classification of Low Resolution Thermal Images for Occupancy Estimation
- Plug into a Plant: Using a Plant Microbial Fuel Cell and a Wake-Up Radio for an Energy Neutral Sensing System
WECNET: Keynote and Paper session 1
The internet of things refers to collection of internet connected computational devices embedded into the objects of the physical world. It is expected that some of these devices perform sensing and actuation functionality. Visions of the internet of things often refer to a world were many (or all) the physical objects we interact with are part of the internet of things. In recent years the IoT paradigm had experienced significant hype, but also faced some stinging criticisms outlining challenges to its implementation. Some of these challenges were known and expected. Other ones are the type that would have been difficult to foresee ten years ago. Yet another ones are the kind which we could have definitely foresee, but we did not. For instance, we were relatively good at predicting the technical challenges associated with the IoT. The security and privacy issues were known and expected, yet certain attacks against IoT systems took us by surprise. At this moment it is clear that the business cases and economic models associated with different IoT applications were not clearly thought through. And essentially nobody anticipated "day two" issues - how are we going to operate, maintain and update an IoT environment once it is deployed? In this talk we discuss some challenges faced by the IoT world in 2017, identify research objectives and try to draw some lessons from them.
- An Algorithm for Alleviating the Effect of Hotspot on Throughput in Wireless Sensor Network
Monday, October 9, 10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
Monday, October 9, 11:00 - 12:30
SenseApp: Paper session 2
- Automating Human Motor Performance Ability Testing: The Case of Backward Step Detection
- WHISPER: Wirelessly Synchronized Distributed Audio Sensor Platform
- An Optical-Camera Complement to a PIR Sensor Array for Intrusion Detection and Classification in an Outdoor Environment
- Mobile Data Collection from Sensor Networks with Range-Dependent Data Rates
WECNET: Paper session 2
- Enabling Smart Querying on Mobile Sensor's Data Using Semantical Annotation
- Internet of Things Based Architecture for Smart Community Design and Planning Using Big Data Analytics
- SDIoT: Software Defined Internet of Thing to Analyze Big Data in Smart Cities
- BGP Route Leak Prevention Based on BGPsec
Monday, October 9, 12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
Monday, October 9, 13:30 - 13:45
OnMove: Welcome and Opening Remark
Monday, October 9, 13:30 - 15:00
SenseApp: Keynote
The paradigm of ageing-in-place - where the elderly live and age in their own homes, independently and safely, with care provided by the community - is compelling, especially in societies that face both shortages in institutionalized eldercare resources, and rapidly ageing populations. When the number of elderly who live alone rises rapidly, support and care from their communities become increasingly crucial. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, particularly in-home monitoring solutions, are becoming mature. They can become the fundamental enabler for smart community eldercare.
WECNET: Paper session 3
- Vehicular Speed Learning in the Future Smart-cities' Paradigm
- A Distributed Energy-Aware Cooperative Multimedia Delivery Solution
- Enhancements in Data-Recovery and Re-Transmit Mechanisms of Transmission Control Protocol Enabled Medical Devices
- Energy Aware Smart Home Management System Using Internet of Things
Monday, October 9, 13:45 - 15:15
Paper session 1
- Selection of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Irrigation Enabled by Wireless Sensor Networks
- QoS-oriented Adaptation Management in Networked Multi-vehicle Cruise Control Systems
- Enhancement of AODV Routing Protocol by Using Large Vehicles in VANETs on Highway
Monday, October 9, 15:30 - 16:30
OnMove: Keynote
Cities are increasingly providing public access to a variety of transportation-related "big data", such as the real-time location of taxis, crowdedness level of buses and arrival times of trains. In this talk, Archan will introduce the concept of socio-physical analytics, which fuses such transportation-related data across multiple modalities (such as buses, taxis and parking garages) with social media sensing to identify and characterize urban micro-events. Archan will describe two distinct families of event detection, both of which aid the goal of improved understanding and optimizing of personal urban mobility. One combines such transportation data with sensor data from personal mobile devices (of a fraction of commuters) to obtain novel insights into commuting experiences (e.g., the waiting time at taxi stands). The other combines multi-modal transportation data (e.g., occupancy levels of buses, dropoff and pickup rates of taxis) with social media data (e.g., Twitter & Foursquare) to both identify and localize urban micro-events.
Monday, October 9, 16:30 - 17:30
OnMove - paper session 2
- Users on the Move: On Relationships Between QoE Ratings, Data Volumes and Intentions to Churn
- Defense Against Malicious UAVs with an Autonomous and Networked UAV Defense Swarm
Tuesday, October 10
Tuesday, October 10, 09:00 - 09:30
Opening and Welcome
Tuesday, October 10, 09:30 - 10:30
Keynote 1: Paving the Way Towards 5G Wireless Communication Networks
Abstract: 5G wireless communication networks are expected to fulfill the demand for higher data rates, lower latency, and/or massive connectivity of a growing number of users/devices exploiting a variety of wireless applications. This envisioned rapid increase in the use of wireless services lead the wireless research community to start looking at new technologies to address problems related to the radio-frequency (RF) spectrum exhaustion. This includes the development of (i) new techniques and concepts such as massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems and heterogeneous networks to improve the spectral efficiency at the link and network layers, respectively, and (ii) novel schemes to better utilize the unregulated bandwidth in particular in the upper millimeter wave, THz, and optical portion of the spectrum. This talk will first go briefly over the vision and goals of 5G wireless communication networks. Then it presents some of these emerging enabling technologies that need to be developed to pave the way towards the successful roll-out and operation of these future wireless networks.
Bio: Mohamed-Slim Alouini (S'94, M'98, SM'03, F'09) was born in Tunis, Tunisia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, USA, in 1998. He served as a faculty member in the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, then in the Texas A&M University at Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar before joining King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia as a Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2009.
Prof. Alouini is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of the Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge list of Highly Cited Researchers and of the Elsevier/Shanghai Ranking list of Most Cited Researchers, and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society. He is a recipient of the Recognition Award of the IEEE ComSoc Wireless Technical Committee in 2016 and a co-recipient of best paper awards in ten IEEE conferences (including ICC, GLOBECOM, VTC, PIMRC, and DySPAN). His current research interests include the modeling, design, and performance analysis of wireless communication systems.
Tuesday, October 10, 11:00 - 12:30
1: Plenary session: Best Paper Candidates
- LAMPS: A Loss Aware Scheduler for Multipath TCP over Highly Lossy Networks
- Utility-Gradient Implicit Cache Coordination Policy for Information-Centric Ad-hoc Vehicular Networks
- Pulse Arrival Scheduling for Nanonetworks Under Limited IoT Access Bandwidth
Tuesday, October 10, 12:30 - 13:30
N2Women Meeting
Tuesday, October 10, 13:30 - 15:30
2C: SDN and Data Centers
- DeepContext: An OpenFlow-Compatible, Host-Based SDN for Enterprise Networks
- Deterministic Confidence Interval Estimation of Networking Traffic in SDN
- Enforcing Transport-Agnostic Congestion Control via SDN in Data Centers
- Multi-Controller Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks
- BLAC: A Bindingless Architecture for Distributed SDN Controllers
2A: Content-Centric Networking
- Mitigating On-Path Adversaries in Content-Centric Networks
- Namespace Tunnels in Content-Centric Networks
- CoMon++: Preventing Cache Pollution in NDN Efficiently and Effectively
- Efficient Crowd Sensing Task Distribution Through Context-aware NDN-based Geocast
- Optimal and Cost Efficient Algorithm for Virtual CDN Orchestration
2B: Realtime and Multimedia Communications
- End-to-end Delay Evaluation of Industrial Automation Systems Based on EtherCAT
- Inter-protocol Steganography for Real-time Services and Its Detection Using Traffic Coloring Approach
- Stop Screaming at Me: Avoiding Duplicates in Mesh/Push-based Live Video Streaming
- mCast: An SDN-based Resource-Efficient Live Video Streaming Architecture with ISP-CDN Collaboration
- MDTM: Optimizing Data Transfer Using Multicore-Aware I/O Scheduling
Tuesday, October 10, 15:30 - 17:30
Poster Session 1 with Tea
First half of the short paper poster presentations. (Presenting 22 on Tuesday and 38 on Wednesday.)
- Development of Unique Identity for E-health Sensor Node in EHEART Passwordless Authentication Protocol
- Effective Association to Software Defined Wireless Networks Based on Signal Strength and Occupancy Rate
- Leveraging Localisation Techniques for In-Network Duplicate Event Data Detection and Filtering
- Reliable Machine Learning for Networking: Key Issues and Approaches
- Repair Scheme for Wireless Coded Storage Networks
- Optimizing Caching Placement for Mobile Users in Heterogeneous Wireless Network
- A Diagnostic Tool for Ad-Hoc and Delay-Tolerant Networks
- Measuring Privacy in Vehicular Networks
- The Spatiotemporal Interplay of Regularity and Randomness in Cellular Data Traffic
- Distributed and Collaborative Malware Analysis with MASS
- SEDCOS: A Secure Device-to-Device Communication System for Disaster Scenarios
- On the Dimension Reduction of Radio Maps with a Supervised Approach
- Minicamp: Prototype for Partial Participation in Structured Peer-to-Peer Monitoring Protocols
- EarlyDrop: A Trade-off Driven DDoS Defense Mechanism for Software-defined Infrastructures
- Flipping the Data Center Network - Increasing East-West Capacity Using Existing Hardware
- TCP LoLa: Congestion Control for Low Latencies and High Throughput
- Towards A Secure Access Control Architecture for the Internet of Things
- Simultaneous Optimization of User-Centric Security-conscious Data Storage on Cloud Platforms
- Impact of Development and Governance Factors on IPv4 Address Ownership
- 100 Gbit/s End-to-End Communication: Low Overhead On-Demand Protocol Replacement in High Data Rate Communication Systems
- On the Wireless Extension of EtherCAT Networks
- Propagation Loss Aware Routing in Wireless Nanosensor Networks Having Directional Nano-Antennas
Demonstrations with Coffee
- Blockchain Signaling System (BloSS): Enabling a Cooperative and Multi-domain DDoS Defense
- Demo: Indoor Location for Smart Environments
- Demonstration of "IDN-Toolbox": A Software to Visualize and Analyze IDN (ILDA Digital Network) Streams
- Decentralized Resource Allocation in Mobile Networks
- Creating a Distributed Malware Analysis Toolchain with MASS
- Demo: Coexistence of Low Delay and Loss-based Congestion Controls in SDN-based Networks
- Prototyping and Evaluating SDN-based Multicast Architectures for Live Video Streaming
- A Demo of Viscous: An End-to-end Transport Protocol for Ubiquitous Communication
- Adaptive Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud-based Approaches for Emergency Navigation
- LITE: Light-based Intrusion deTection systEm Using an Optical-Camera and a Single Board Computer
Wednesday, October 11
Wednesday, October 11, 08:30 - 10:30
3C: Security and Privacy
- Reclaim Your Prefix: Mitigation of Prefix Hijacking Using IPSec Tunnels
- Few Throats to Choke: On the Current Structure of the Internet
- Enabling Privacy Preserving Mobile Advertising via Private Information Retrieval
- ANONUS: Anonymous Bonus Point System with Fraud Detection
- Can You Get into the Middle of NFC?
3A: Performance Evaluation
- Share or Not: Investigating the Presence of Large-Scale Address Sharing in the Internet
- Experimental Evaluation of Less-than-Best-Effort TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms
- A Sequence Learning Model with Recurrent Neural Networks for Taxi Demand Prediction
- Data Transfer Advisor with Transport Profiling Optimization
- Characterising LEDBAT Performance Through Bottlenecks Using PIE, FQ-CoDel and FQ-PIE Active Queue Management
3B: Internet of Things
- Improving Energy Efficiency of MQTT-SN in Lossy Environments Using Seed-based Network Coding
- Measuring and Adapting MQTT in Cellular Networks for Collaborative Smart Farming
- Keep the Beat: On-The-Fly Clock Offset Compensation for Synchronous Transmissions in Low-Power Networks
- Viscous: An End to End Protocol for Ubiquitous Communication over Internet of Everything
- Are Wearables Ready for HTTPS? on the Potential of Direct Secure Communication on Wearables
Wednesday, October 11, 11:00 - 12:00
Keynote 2: Security Implications of Edge Intelligence in Power Grid as Cyber-Physical System
Abstract: What happens when we deploy ICT increasingly in power systems and exploit their characteristics jointly in a cyber-physical manner? In this talk, I will overview some of the security implications, in the form of both challenge and opportunity, as ICT intelligence, particularly at the edge, meets the physical laws of power flows that pervade the system.
Bio: David Yau obtained the Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in computer science. He is now Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design pillar of the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Since 2010, he has been Distinguished Scientist at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore, where he is Cybersecurity Program Director. He is also Qiushi Chaired Professor in the Department of Control, Zhejiang University, China. He was Assistant Professor then Associate Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University (West Lafayette). In 2004, he was on sabbatical leave as Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK.
David is interested in networking and networked cyber-physical systems. A current research focus is the security and privacy of cyber-physical systems such as smart grids. He received a U.S. NSF CAREER award and Best Paper awards in 2017 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conf. Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) and 2010 IEEE Int'l Conf. Multi-sensor Fusion and Integration (MFI). He was also Best Paper finalists in several IEEE/ACM conferences including IEEE PerCom and ACM BuildSys.
He serves on the editorial boards of Big Data Research (Elsevier) and IEEE Trans. Network Science and Engineering, and is Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Special Section on Smart Grid Cyber-Physical Security (2017). He was also Associate Editor of IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking. David has served in technical and organizational roles of numerous IEEE conferences in networking, including TPC co-Chair of IEEE ICNP and IEEE IWQoS. He serves in the Management Committee of the Singapore Cybersecurity Consortium and chairs the SCC's SIG in IoT and CPS security.
Wednesday, October 11, 12:00 - 12:30
Invitation to LCN 2018
Wednesday, October 11, 12:30 - 13:30
Wednesday, October 11, 13:30 - 15:30
4C - Ad hoc, Sensor and Mobile Networks
- Topology Maps for 3D Millimeter Wave Sensor Networks with Directional Antennas
- Supporting Throughput Fairness in IEEE 802.11ac Dynamic Bandwidth Channel Access: A Hybrid Approach
- Network Under Limited Mobile Sensors: New Techniques for Weighted Target Coverage and Sensor Connectivity
- Effective Lossless Compression of Sensor Information in Manufacturing Industry
- GoMacH: A Traffic Adaptive Multi-channel MAC Protocol for IoT
4A: Mobility and Location Dependent Services
- Accelerating Yield Mapping at Low Data Rates Using Compressive Field Estimate
- Magnetic Induction Based Sensing and Localization for Fresh Food Logistics
- IEEE 802.11ac Link Adaptation Under Mobility
- On Building an Indoor Radio Map from Crowdsourced Samples with Annotation Errors
- Take It or Leave It: Decentralized Resource Allocation in Mobile Networks
4B: Security
- High Performance Intrusion Detection Using HTTP-Based Payload Aggregation
- A General Formalism for Defining and Detecting OpenFlow Rule Anomalies
- Triviback: A Storage-Efficient Secure Backup System
- An Enhanced EPC Gen2v2 RFID Authentication and Ownership Management Protocol
- Lightweight Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks Revisited
Wednesday, October 11, 15:30 - 17:00
Poster Session 2 with Coffee
Second half of the short paper poster presentations. (Presenting 22 on Tuesday and 38 on Wednesday.)
- Delay Oriented Content Placement and Request Redirection for Mobile-CDN
- Q-Learning Based Co-operative Spectrum Mobility in Cognitive Radio Networks
- A Testing Framework for High-Speed Network and Security Devices
- QoE-aware Task Offloading for Time Constraint Mobile Applications
- Interconnect Energy Savings and Lower Latency Networks in Hadoop Clusters: The Missing Link
- Video Workload Characteristics of Online Porn: Perspectives from a Major Video Streaming Service
- Understanding Uploader Motivations and Sharing Dynamics in the One-click Hosting Ecosystem
- Unsupervised Traffic Flow Classification Using a Neural Autoencoder
- Application of Fault Management to Information-Centric Networking
- Data Exchange in Self-Organizing Wireless Networks with Low Latency
- Indoor Location for Smart Environments with Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
- Exploring a New Proactive Algorithm for Resource Management and Its Application to Wireless Mobile Environments
- Wireless Positioning Sensor Network Integrated with Cloud for Industrial Automation
- A Hole-Bypassing Routing Algorithm for WANETs
- Private and Efficient Set Intersection Protocol for RFID-Based Food Adequacy Check
- Modeling WiFi Traffic for White Space Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Detecting Covert Channels in FPS Online Games
- A Caching Miss Ratio Aware Path Selection Algorithm for Information-Centric Networks
- A Handover Triggering Algorithm for Managing Mobility in WSNs
- Identifying the Performance Impairment of HTTP
- Modelling Software-Defined Networking: Switch Design with Finite Buffer and Priority Queueing
- A Query Tree Protocol with Knowledge-based Splitting for RFID Tag Identification
- Scheduling Methods to Improve the Performance of Heterogeneous Periodic Flows in Wireless Sensor Networks
- On the Applicability of Onion Routing on Predictable Delay-Tolerant Networks
- Geographically-Distinct Request Patterns for Caching in Information-Centric Networks
- Stratosphere: Dynamic IP Overlay Above the Clouds
- Evaluation of AP Placement Approaches Considering Location-Awareness and Network Performance
- Funplace: A Protocol for Network Function Placement
- Proposed Matching Scheme with Confidence and Prediction Uncertainty in Shared Economy
- High Resolution Air Quality Mapping Using WSN Online Redeployment Strategies
- Sensor Placement Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm for Connected Confident Information Coverage in an Area with Obstacles
- QoE-based Framework to Optimize User Perceived Video Quality
- Scalable User Association in Software Defined Small-cell Networks
- Does the Presence of Streamers Harm the Overall Performance of BitTorrent Swarms?
- Privacy-preserving Content Delivery Networks
- Access Mechanism for Outsourced Data by Preserving Data Owner's Preference
- ATPS: Adaptive Transmission Power Selection for Communication in Wireless Body Area Networks
- An Extensible Host-Agnostic Framework for SDN-Assisted DDoS-Mitigation
Wednesday, October 11, 17:00 - 18:30
5B: Network Devices and Services
- Bare-Metal Switches and Their Customization and Usability in a Carrier-Grade Environment
- Systematic IP Prefix Assignment for Compact Router Forwarding Tables
- Predictive Traffic Engineering with 2-Segment Routing Considering Requirements of a Carrier IP Network
- ProxyDetector: A Guided Approach to Finding Web Proxies
5A: Cloud Computing
- Sec-CS: Getting the Most Out of Untrusted Cloud Storage
- Zcopy-vhost: Eliminating Packet Copying in Virtual Network I/O
- Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Cache-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing
Wednesday, October 11, 19:00 - 22:00
Conference Banquet
supported by TCCC
Thursday, October 12
Thursday, October 12, 09:00 - 10:30
NSWMD: Paper session 1
- Security and Privacy in Internet of Medical Things: Taxonomy and Risk Assessment
- AZSPM: Autonomic Zero-Knowledge Security Provisioning Model for Medical Control Systems in Fog Computing Environments
- SPHERE in a Box: Practical and Scalable EurValve Activity Monitoring Smart Home Kit
5G-IoT: Paper session 1
- Load Aware Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks: Which is the Right Metric?
- A Time Sharing Based Approach to Accommodate Similar Gain Users in NOMA for 5G Networks
- Wireless Communication Aspects in the Internet of Things: An Overview
Thursday, October 12, 10:30 - 11:00
Thursday, October 12, 11:00 - 12:30
5G-IoT: Paper session 2
- Algorithm for Trust Based Policy Hidden Communication in the Internet of Things
- Secure FOTA Object for IoT